Monday, December 13, 2010

Venture Bros Auctions to End TODAY!!

Get some awesome Venture Bros merchandise while you still can!

Link here... good luck!

x Shivers

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We're up and running again, folks!

And any fans of the Venture Bros can bid on storyboard pages and cool VB Crew clothing!



So don't miss out!
Get yourself or your buddy (boy or girl) a super awesome Christmas present!!

That is all!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I've no real idea how this episode of Venture Bros turned out as we've no cable TV but I do know how tough this show was to produce.

Mid-way thru the original final episode, Mr Publick told us that he'd actually got the green light for a one hour finale... WHOO HOO!!! We were beyond thrilled. I've always felt that this show needed more minutes and and hour seemed like a perfect starting point (actually, what I'd really love is something more along the lines of 90 mins!).

Anyway, production on the original season closer had to stop to allow for Doc and Jackson to write the new ending. Five weeks later, we're back cranking out the revisions like there's no tomorrow. We had three weeks to complete everything, which I always knew was going to be an impossible task (normally on a half hour show we have two weeks for revision). This was an hour long episode and we only had three weeks, did I mention it was also the season finale?!

And it was impossible, for the storyboard revision team anyway. Due to going well over the original three weeks schedule and what with the subsequent budget restrictions, we weren't even allowed to finish the episode. So poor Jackson Publick had the momentous task of completing any unfinished notes (and I can tell you there were many) on the last few scenes from the prom and whatever else popped up.

And fair play to him... from the few clips I've been watching online, he did a mighty fine job. He's definitely the most hard working, dedicated creator/directors I've ever worked with.

So I'd just thought I'd post the following sequence. This was before heading back for the three weeks revision. JP asked if I could help out by cleaning up his thumbnail drawings. And the following is just one tiny sequence I did for him. I haven't seen this sequence online anywhere but I presume it's still in the final episode. I may post some of the others in the days to come.

Huge thanks goes out to my revision team. Tom Connor, who was also heavily involved in storyboarding an episode or two of this season and Abigail Nesbitt. And from the design team, Danny Hynes who gave s a massive dig out. And from the awesome Robotomy crew, assistant director, Todd Myers.

That is all!
x Shivers

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Not by me this time but by my cousin, Veronica who is an amazing artist and her main focus is sketch cards (you'll find her auction here).

As is her boyfriend, Trev (his auction is here).

And their mighty friend, Sean (you'll find his auction here!).

They also do commissions, so if you Venture Bros fans would like some sketch cards of your cartoon heroes or of their creators, of you non Venture Bros fans who would like sketches of your other heroes, you should definitely email them!

And as soon as eBay will let me upload more awesome Venture Bros items...
I'll let you all know asap!

That is all!
x Shivers

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We said goodbye to Lola...

For all of you out there who loved Lola as much as we we did and donated to her cause, with or without knowing her, we said goodbye to her yesterday.

I won't lie, there were many tears and still some.

Lola never really recovered from the exploratory operation and, at the end of the day, she was never really going to. But it did seem to speed up the process and if we knew then what we know now, we would never have put her thru it.

But we really want to give a heart felt thanks to all of you who supported her over the last month... you've been beyond generous. It's just a shame the outcome wasn't a positive one.

But I really want to celebrate her today, so... I'm re-posting this video we did of her back in 2009 as a little tribute to one of the most beautiful cats I've ever known.

Goodbye little Lola. We loved you dearly! xxx

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's a sad day in our house...

She has FIP (not to be confused with FIV).

"FIP is a viral disease of cats that can affect many systems of the body. It is a progressive disease and almost always fatal. It is found worldwide and affects not only domestic cats, but many wild ones as well.
There is no cure for FIP. A survivor of FIP is very rare".

Thank you all for your unbelievable support. You are all truly wonderful human beings. We will give Lola kisses for you all.

If you'd like to read more about it... see here.

After losing two other cats earlier this year and one last year, it's really is a sad day in our house...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stephen's Graphic Novel.

Hi all,

So just thought I'd post a link to my website where you can now buy some framed pages from Stephen's graphic novel. All prices include shipping within the USA.
Just click "LOLA'S STORE". And all proceeds go will towards Lola's bill.

And there's an update to our eBay auctions... because we're newbies to eBay, they've limited the amount we can post. So what we have up there is all we can put up for this month.
We do have some more choice Venture Bros merchandise and artwork so please keep checking back and I'll let you know when we can upload some more items.

Thanks so much, everyone.

x Shivers

It's for Lola!

We understand that some people have asked about making a donation towards Lola's medical bills. This is extremely kind of you, so we've set up this page for any of you who would like to contribute.

Lola sends you kisses!

The update on Lola that she is now out of the hospital, after being in the Intensive Care Unit at NYC Veterinary Hospital from Friday, November 5th til Monday, November 8th. Although it had been suggested that she might have cancer, results of the biopsies from her operation have returned as negative. We are, of course, grateful for these results. However, it's clear Lola is still suffering from a mystery malady, and her doctors have narrowed it down to one of three things, the first of which is potentially extremely serious. We are still waiting for her final results.
Until then, Lola's showing great signs of recovering from her operation. She's giving us the stink eye up and down for keeping her in her kitty cone.

It's been a trying and intense month, so once again, we are extremely grateful for your support and concern!

Siobhan and Stephen DeStefano

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


From "storyboard guru", Stephen DeStefano's private collection comes one hell of a sequence!

This is a rare, one of a kind, storyboard sequence from season 3, The "ORB" where Brock visits Hunter Gathers, who is working as an exotic dancer after his sex change.

Stephen bumped up this sequence with 34 original Post-it drawings.
It's sexy hot, don't ya think?! Man, I just love Hunter :D

Anyway, its up now on eBay, please take a look and place a bid if you can. All funds will go towards our Lola's vet bills which are getting higher and higher by the day.
So, many many thanks if you can bid. x

That is all!
x Shivers


To continue our benefit for Lola, our kitty cat, we're offering up more Venture Bros storyboard pages from our collection (see preview above).

In this season 3 sequence, Dean Venture is being seduced by the Quymn twins while Dr Quymn seduces Dr Venture.

A total of 9, 11 x 8.5in xeroxed storyboard pages and 29 ORIGINAL, beautifully drawn Post-it notes by "storyboard guru", Stephen DeStefano!!

Please bid and know that your money is going to help our Lola recover.

That is all!
x Shivers

Monday, November 8, 2010

Venture Bros art for sale for Lola

Our poor little Lola is in the hospital at the moment with what looks like pancreatic cancer :(
The fees for which are becoming enormous and we're not sure what to do other than sell what art work we own. Maybe it will generate some extra income that we badly need right now so if you are interested in some Venture Bros merch, please take a look. We'll be posting more in the days to come.

This one in particular is a Venture Bros Crew Poster that Jackson Publick/Christopher McCulloch kindly gave me upon completion of season 2. I hate to part with it but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

That is all.
x Shivers

Monday, August 30, 2010


Well, here it is folks... the hubby's new book, LUCKY IN LOVE.

And for anyone who would like to meet Stephen and George Chiffet, they'll both be at Stephen's retrospective 'Black/White' on Thursday, September 16 at 7pm, mdh Fine Arts Gallery.
Details on the flyer below.

Hope to see you there!
x Shivers

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Meet our latest addition...


We found him thru Petfinder & Zani's Furry Friends in NYC.
He originally came from a house with over 25 cats which were discovered when the owner had to be admitted to hospital with dementia. From what I gather, the apartment was in pretty bad shape so its great to be able to rescue a kitty from a situation like that.

And there's so many kitties, puppies, pigs, rabbits, birds, reptiles and even barnyard animals out there to be adopted that there is absolutely no reason to buy from pet stores and especially not super pet stores. And you can find pure breeds like Ole who are literally just crying out to be adopted. Here's another we were thinking of adopting before we found Ole.

So please check out these links if you're interested in adopting or even fostering a pet...

I think we really lucked out with our little fella, he's just the sweetest cat from day 1.

That is all.
x Shivers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New website...

Will be adding much more to the photography section in the days to come.
Hope you like it.

That is all!
x Shivers

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Doggie Daycare

I'm in between animation jobs at the moment so I decided to do something completely different... doggie daycare. I adore these little fellas and lassies, they're just too cute at times.

That is all.
x Shivers

Friday, June 11, 2010

Original Venture Bros artwork for sale...

At bargain prices for a great cause!
Check out Tom Bayne's page for the last remaining, absolutely awesome, completely original, actually seen in the show, animation key poses and inbteweens from Venture Bros TV series.

That is all.
x Shivers

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Last Day on Venture Bros...

And I steal a rather voluptuous Jackson Publick doodle from the
back of a storyboard revision note, drawn while waiting for me to return to my desk.
So I told him I was going to blog it and "BOOM!" here it is.

I'm sure he didn't think I would but I have no shame and that he definitely knows.

Now off to Ireland with me & Mr DeStefano :D

That is all.
x Shivers